
Quantum Expanse Space Fleet Miniatures Game painting - in progress

Quantum Expanse Space Fleet Miniatures Game painting - in progress, this is before they were given a wash, more pics to come.  The red minis are homemade with clay

Quantum Expanse Space Fleet Miniatures, and a homemade Space amoeba

Quantum Expanse Space Fleet Miniatures, and a homemade Space amoeba, I really love the  fighter wing counters and have been using them as tiny launched fighters in my Spaceship Battles game

Quantum Expanse Space Fleet Miniatures, and a homemade Space amoeba, I really love the  fighter wing counters and have been using them as tiny launched fighters in my Spaceship Battles game

Quantum Expanse Space Fleet Miniatures, and a homemade Space amoeba, I really love the  fighter wing counters and have been using them as tiny launched fighters in my Spaceship Battles game

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