
dungeon crawler (DCM) fantasy miniatures KS going full bore

DCM has the relaunch of their KS campaign and it features none other then a colossal Kraken!
It has just about funded in less then 24 hours - and looks to keep going strong!
They have done many cool minis including some seen here on my blog.

Check it out and support it.


Quantum Expanse and homemade minis painted up

Quantum Expanse and homemade minis that I painted up with K

a quick movie  of many of the smaller ships all painted.  My daughter and I have been painting the smaller ships so far - testing out color schemes and which paints/inks look best on them.

The Lexx all painted up and mounted

Quantum Expanse ships painted up

Quantum Expanse ships painted up - Looks like a McDonalds themed  ship on the right  ;-)

Quantum Expanse ships painted up

Quantum Expanse ships painted up

Quantum Expanse ships painted up

Quantum Expanse ships painted up

Quantum Expanse ships painted up

Quantum Expanse ships painted up

Quantum Expanse ships painted up - Seattle Seahawks themed colors

Quantum Expanse ships painted up

Quantum Expanse ships painted up - Red and white squad

homemade flying saucer and shuttle

homemade Babylon 5 shadow inspired ships and star bases

homemade Babylon 5 shadow inspired ships and star bases

homemade Babylon 5 shadow inspired ships and star bases

homemade Babylon 5 shadow inspired ships and star bases

homemade Babylon 5 shadow inspired ships and star bases

homemade Babylon 5 shadow inspired ships and star bases

homemade ship Mark made

homemade Babylon 5 shadow inspired ships and star bases

homemade space amoeba inspired by the space amoebas game

homemade Babylon 5 shadow inspired ships and star bases

homemade Babylon 5 shadow inspired ships and star bases

homemade Babylon 5 shadow inspired ships and star bases

homemade Babylon 5 shadow inspired ships and star bases

homemade Babylon 5 shadow inspired ships and star bases

homemade Babylon 5 shadow inspired ships and star bases

homemade The Lexx

homemade Babylon 5 shadow inspired ships and star bases

homemade Babylon 5 shadow inspired ships and star bases

homemade the Lexx

Quantum expanse asteroids in back, homemade asteroids in front

Quantum expanse moon

Quantum expanse asteroids in back, homemade asteroids in fron

Seattle Seahawks inspired and themed ship - U.S.S. TATE

Seattle Seahawks inspired and themed ship - U.S.S. TATE

Seattle Seahawks inspired and themed ship - U.S.S. TATE

Quantum expanse painted fleet "tiny" ships

homemade space worm in asteroid - also called Space slugs, also called exogorths or "giant asteroid worms"

The Lexx unpainted - without flash

The Lexx unpainted - with flash

sea creatures minis

Picked up some sea creatures minis to get ready for a sea adventure when the DCM Kraken is unleashed

sea creatures minis - octopi, sharks, dolphins, sea otters with sea stars, and frogs.....

sea creatures minis - octopi, sharks, dolphins, sea otters with sea stars, and frogs.....

sea creatures minis - octopi, sharks, dolphins, sea otters with sea stars, and frogs.....

sea creatures minis - octopi, sharks, dolphins, sea otters with sea stars, and frogs.....They take over K's castle

sea creatures minis - octopi, sharks, dolphins, sea otters with sea stars, and frogs.....They take over K's castle - S is a big helper too

sea creatures minis - octopi, sharks, dolphins, sea otters with sea stars, and frogs.....They take over K's castle - S is a big helper too

sea creatures minis - octopi, sharks, dolphins, sea otters with sea stars, and frogs.....They take over K's castle - S is a big helper too