
Game day:Spaceship battles 2014-01-12

Mark being jolly

Mark and the huge borg cube

Still working on a new game - Spaceship Battles - trying to make it faster but still strategic.  Can use ships from any universe including Star Wars, Star Trek, Babylon 5, Doctor Who, Quantum Expanse, Star craft, Farscape, and a few others

Mark and Ron setting up the board and getting ready

 huge borg cube coming in to kill everything

launching fighters

federation vs space amoebas

federation vs space amoebas vs aztec fire god

federation vs space amoebas vs aztec fire god vs borg

federation vs space amoebas vs aztec fire god vs borg.  - Card played:
Your ship is infected with the Korean super douche Kim Ji Suk, Leave fight to concentrate on eradicating him.  Target adj ship loses turn.

card played:
target adj ship Lose turn - can't let a spaceship battle interrupt your farmville.

Mark looking up

Parasitic space worm infects ship.  Target ship has dmg +20, spd set to 3(no double move), rng set to 1, def set to 3, and hp +100. Dmg type is set to horrific ionic worm dmg.... played on a launched tiny fighter 

discussing the next move

the federation ships come to the rescue

lunch break - taco boats!

lunch break - taco boats!

lunch break - taco boats!  And a fanta

lunch break - taco boats!  And a fanta

lunch break - taco boats!  and chinese chicken salad ramen style

Mark is intimidated by the federation fleet

Ron has the Borg

Mark has the space amoebas

Marks head on a borg body.  ;-)

gamebay birthday card from Mark

Ron brought over settlers of Catan travel size - game was ok, but with 2 people I didn't enjoy it as much as the hype lead me to believe it would be.

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