
Finally finished painting Dwarven Forge game tiles!

Finally finished painting Dwarven Forge game tiles!  Took many hours, but most of them turned out nice.

5 sets plus some unpainted addons........(fyi - didn't use up any of my Pokorny paints)

Celebration pics!

Dwarven Forge game tiles all paited up - mostly grey paint scheme, but a lot of other random colors mixed in, and a full room of olive scheme, and added a bunch of CoS to my 2 CoS addon sets

Dwarven Forge game tiles 4 x 6 - top 3 from left were done by my daughters (2yo and 7yo)

Dwarven Forge game tiles 4 x 6 - thought the cross turned out great on the last 4 x 6 tile I did, may go back and add to the grey or olive schemes at some point, but back to painting spaceships and reaper bones for awhile.  ;-)

Dwarven Forge game tiles - the last batch, most of the small and odd pieces, did four of the treasure piles in gold, and one in gold/silver/copper which i think turned out best of the 5 piles.

Furby takes over the Dwarven Forge dungeon

Furby takes over the Dwarven Forge dungeon - it can really freak you out when you aren't expecting it to talk.  ;-)

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