

Gameday with dad, R, and K, and other K

Another great game day with going out for Mexican for lunch and what ended up being 1 long epic saga of a game which finally ended with me and K settling on a tie as we were the only 2 plyers remaining and it was time people had to get going.... but ended up being quite an evenly matched battle.

Setting up for slaughter

K advising K on strategy

victory hexes were raised this time, didn't really like it that much though with larger minis sitting at an angle

Dad ready to attack

The DCM merchant sets up shop in the middle of the battle field

The ginger hostess and the DCM seductress discuss the finer points of backstabbing

Dr Sheldon Cooper zombie hunter finds an unlikely ally in a rancor

Dr Sheldon Cooper zombie hunter makes the sun go away

the DCM scamp tries to flee

minwax golem sprays goo

DCM seductress and zombie version

DCM scamp and zombie version

My cat riding a giant blue bird, Wolverine riding a red Salamander, and  Kilroy riding a dragon

Giant fiendish dire chicken - Its whats for dinner

Dr. Sheldon Cooper - zombie hunter is trapped against the edge of the map by a pack of minotaurs

The DCM coffin springs into action

zombiefied reaper bones great worm

DCM townsfolks and zombie versions

melee in the middle... will someone end up in a coffin?

I make my move and grab a middle hex - rolling a 1 against Kilroy costs  me my hero

Slimer can only be hit by magic dmg and this makes him hard to kill - great for holding the middle.


I give you... Dr. Sheldon Cooper - Zombie hunter

I give you... Dr. Sheldon Cooper - Zombie hunter.  complete with Green lantern shirt, lightsaber, and molotov cocktails loaded with light purple handkerchiefs that he got from Raj.  He's prepared for the coming apocalypse....

Dr. Sheldon Cooper - Zombie hunter in action - but sadly he is trapped against the edge of the map by a pack of minotaurs.   He had found an unlikely ally in a rancor - but it is unable to save him.

spray painted with white primer the box the zombies came in - looked like ghost outlines. ;-)

spray painted with white primer the box the zombies came in - looked like ghost outlines. ;-)

primed zombies

primed hunters

primed hunters

spray painted with white primer the box the zombies came in - looked like ghost outlines. ;-)

spray painted with white primer the box the zombies came in - looked like ghost outlines. ;-)

zombie dice

K built a minis house out of a cardboard box

SHe is really creative and it was really unexpected that she made it, she just asked if she could have a box, and then started chopping and gluing and taping and created this, complete with a separate room inside.

Tried dipping minis in minwax - see the results

They actually mostly turned out pretty good.  ANd they have that really nice finish - feels like holding a piece of polished wood, rather then plastic.

The minwax

M came over and was helping me dip, he had a lot of fun.... he liked the small, I didn't so I put on my respirator. Once dried, the minwax minis feel really nice.

A minwax golem wet

A minwax golem after he dried

Reaper bones great worms finished

Zombiefied worm, washed in black wash, and then dipped in mixwax for that zombiefied look

Desert worm ready to gobble up some of Dune's population

Some In action shots below from Game day:
desert worm encounters a coffin

desert worm encounters a coffin w/flash

Zombiefied worm ready to be deployed

Vodoo golem is now contesting the center also

Some worm vs. worm action

Zombiefied worm returned whence it came - something new and green now coming for the desert worm....